Exposing Hollow Religion
April 30, 2023 Preacher: Dan Wong Series: Luke
Passage: Luke 16:14–18
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Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.
Discussion Questions
- Why is it that you cannot serve both God and money? Does loving one really mean hating the other? What does it tell us about our hearts when we try to love both?
- Was the Mosaic Law that guided the lives and actions of the Pharisees simply a checklist of “do’s and don’t’s”? If not, what was the Law intended to do?
- How can the misuse of religion become an idol in the human heart?
- We, like the Pharisees, are prone to self-righteousness. How should the “good news of the Kingdom of God” kill self-righteousness? What do you think the imagery of people forcing their way into the kingdom of God is supposed to tell us?
- Although Scripture provides “legal” reasons for divorce, how can these reasons be misused? What does this misuse reveal about a person’s heart?
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