Join us Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am

The Tower of Babel

September 15, 2024 Preacher: Eric Chabaneix

Passage: Genesis 11:1–9

Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.


Discussion Questions:


  1. Aside from just being a tall building, what do you think the tower of Babel represented to its builders?  What drives humanity to want to build their own towers of Babel?  Describe some modern day towers of Babel.
  2. When can unity be a bad thing and why do you think it was necessary for God to bring His judgment upon mankind and confuse their language?  
  3. The story of the tower of Babel can be described as “a tale of two cities”; the city of man and the city of God. What do you think is the main difference between the two?  What is the foundation of each city?
  4. Is the desire for safety and significance good or bad? Explain how these desires can turn bad. How does faith in Christ meet and exceed our best efforts to secure safety and significance on our own?
  5. Describe how your life would change if you really understood and believed that you are a stranger and exile on this earth looking forward to a better country, a city prepared for you by God. (Heb 11:16)