Join us Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am


September 29, 2024 Preacher: Dan Wong Series: Acts

Passage: Acts 2:1–13

Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.


Discussion Questions:


  1. Why is it so important for Christians to understand that God’s church is built on the power of the Holy Spirit?  How would Hawaii Kai Church be different if every member fully embraced this idea?

  2. Throughout Scripture, wind and fire are used metaphorically to represent the life giving, powerful, holy presence of God (see Gen 2:7, Ezk 37:8-14, Jn 3:8; Gen 15:17, Exo 3:2-5,2Ki 2:11)  Using these images, describe the Holy Spirit’s role within the church. Why do you think the Holy Spirit came upon the early church in such dramatic fashion? Should we expect to see the Holy Spirit manifest Himself in a display of wind and fire today? Why or why not?

  3. Think back to the story of the tower of Babel (Pastor Eric preached on this two weeks ago).  How is what happened on the day of Pentecost - when the Holy Spirit enabled believers to speak many different languages - a reversal of what happened in Babel?  What does this teach you about the necessity of a Spirit filled church, even to this day? (See Rev 7:9)

  4. In our sermon we heard that Acts 2 is NOT primarily about speaking in tongues but about Spirit empowered believers being the vehicle to unify all nations within God’s church.  Why do you think some Christians prefer to focus on the sensational gift of tongues and how does this hinder the church from fulfilling its purpose?

  5. The reaction of those who witnessed the Spirit’s power on the day of Pentecost was either amazement and astonishment or disbelief and scorn.  What do you think is the main contributing factor that leads people to these different responses?  What does this teach us about how to build God’s church?

More in Acts

February 9, 2025

Stephen's Arrest

February 2, 2025

The Priority of the Word of God

January 26, 2025

Faith and Unbelief