HKC Church Members: Our next member meeting & potluck will be on Sunday, November 10th. Please email for more info and the potluck sign up sheet. We hope to see you there! 

Join us Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am

The First Sermon of the Church

October 6, 2024 Preacher: Dan Wong Series: Acts

Passage: Acts 2:14–36

Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.


Discussion Questions:


  1. When Peter stands to deliver his first sermon, he preaches from 3 texts of Scripture (Joel 2:28-32, Psalm 16:8-11, and Psalm 110:1).  We later learn that as a result of his sermon, about 3,000 people became Christians.  Why do you think Peter’s sermon was so powerful?  What do you think makes a sermon powerful and life changing?

  2. When Peter references Joel’s prophecy to explain the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon believers, he is declaring that humanity has entered the “last days” and that a time of final judgment is coming. What do the “last days” mean to you?  Do you believe we are living in the “last days” and if so, how does this impact the way you live?  How should this impact the way you live?

  3. Joel’s prophecy also speaks of great hope: “it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”If we believe that we are in the last days as evidenced by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon ALL believers, and if we also believe that everyone who calls upon the Lord shall be saved, then how should this impact our evangelism?  Why do you think so few Christians proclaim their faith with a sense of urgency?  What, if anything, needs to change?  Why should it change?  How can this change come about?

  4. Peter then preaches about Jesus Christ; His life, death and resurrection and he again uses Scripture (Psalm 16:8-11) to make His point that death could not hold Jesus.  Why do you think it was necessary for Peter to point out to the Jews, “this Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.”?  In other words, why is the resurrection critical when sharing the gospel?  Do you agree that every sermon must be about Jesus?  Why or why not? 

  5. Peter ends his sermon by pointing a finger at his listeners accusing them of crucifying their Lord and Messiah.  Do you think Peter was being too harsh?  Why is it necessary to point out a person’s sins when sharing the gospel?  Conversely, why is it detrimental to gloss over sin?  As sinful people ourselves, aren’t we being hypocritical?

More in Acts

November 3, 2024

A Portrait of the Early Church

October 13, 2024

Repent for the Forgiveness of Your Sins

September 29, 2024
