Join us Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30 am

Repent for the Forgiveness of Your Sins

October 13, 2024 Preacher: David Oda Series: Acts

Passage: Acts 2:37–41

Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.


Sermon Discussion Questions:


  1. What do you think it means to be “cut to the heart”, and what would it take for a person to feel that way?  Why do you think the same Jews who delivered Jesus over to be crucified, would be the same ones who are now cut to the heart over what they had done? 

  2. Do you think repentance is necessary in order to be saved? Explain. What do you think is meant by a “sugar coated Jesus” and why would this be detrimental to a person’s soul?

  1. Does repentance mean that we must sacrifice everything we love in order to follow Jesus? Why do you think Jesus asked the rich ruler (in Luke 18) to sell everything he had and give it to the poor?  Why would Peter call the Jews to turn their backs on Judaism and everything they had believed?  In a similar train of thought, what do you think Jesus would ask you to sacrifice and give up to follow Him?

  1. How and whom does God call to Himself?  If you are a Christian, what role did you play in your salvation?  What made you different from another person who knows what you know, but is still an unbeliever?

  2. What is the root cause of every “crooked generation”?  Are we helpless and powerless victims of the crooked generation in which we live? If so, why?  If not, what is the solution and what role do you think God wants you to play?

More in Acts

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Stephen's Arrest

February 2, 2025

The Priority of the Word of God

January 26, 2025

Faith and Unbelief