David's Last Address
July 19, 2020 Preacher: Dan Wong Series: 2 Samuel
Passage: 2 Samuel 23:1–7
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Click here for our sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on yourself, with your family, or with your small group.
Discussion Questions
- David begins his final speech with a testament of how God has taken him from humble beginnings (the son of Jesse) to a man raised on high, the anointed of God, and the sweet psalmist of Israel. At the end of his life, David focuses not on his own achievements but rather on his relationship with God. How are you treating your relationship with God? Is it the thing that you count most important in your life? Think ahead to your own future as you near the end of your life - what do you think will be most important to you at that moment?
- David recognizes that his final speech is not from himself, but it is the Spirit of the Lord who is speaking through him. David knows he is but a mouthpiece and that the confidence of the people should not be in him as the speaker, but in God. Explain why it is critical that a preacher preach God’s word and not his own subjective opinion on what he feels the Scripture is saying. How important is it that you study, understand, memorize God’s word?
- David understands the beauty of a just reverent ruler - he is “like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth.” He also understands that he could never be this kind of ruler and that the ultimate hope for his people lay in a future King. Where does your hope lie? Is your hope in a raise? In successful children? In a cure for Covid-19? How does hope in Jesus Christ allow you to live with hope even through pandemics and a divided nation?
- David’s confidence and hope lay not in his own ability and strength, but rather in the strength and surety of God’s covenant with him. Think about the covenant God makes with His people throughout the entire Bible and is fulfilled and ratified by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. How does God’s covenant with you, generate confidence in spite of your weakness, and hope in the midst of your failures?
- David knew that not everyone was going to heaven. There will be those who reject Jesus Christ who, like thorns, will be thrown into the fire. The Gospel of God necessarily divides the righteous from the unrighteous, the sheep from the goats, the saved from those who will perish. You cannot be neutral towards Jesus Christ. In spite of his many failings, King David trusted, believed and hoped in, and was confident in his relationship with God. Where do you stand with God today? Are you trusting, believing, hoping, and confident in Jesus Christ? What about your loved ones? If your answer is ‘no’ to either of the above, what should you do about it?

More in 2 Samuel
August 2, 2020
David's CensusJuly 26, 2020
All Glory Be to God: A Tribute to the Mighty Men of DavidJuly 12, 2020
King David's Song of Thanksgiving