Distinct Love
December 12, 2021 Preacher: Dan Wong Series: Luke
Passage: Luke 6:27–36
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Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.
Discussion Questions
- Why is self-sacrificing love - a love that extends even for our enemies - so shocking to the human mind? Why is it important for Christians to struggle with this idea of self sacrificing love?
- Why does self-sacrificing love only make sense to those who recognize they too were once sinners and enemies of God? (See Romans 5:8-10)
- Jesus’ expectations of His followers is that they would show a self sacrificing love even to people who least deserve it. This kind of love will distinguish those who know God and those who don’t. Based on how you love others, how well do you think you know God?
- Does this passage teach us that Christians must endure abusive relationships and allow people to unjustly steal from them? Why or why not?
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