Living In Light of the End - Part 1
December 31, 2023 Preacher: Dan Wong Series: Luke
Passage: Luke 21:5–24
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Click here for the sermon discussion questions or see them listed below. We highly encourage you to listen, think, and talk about the sermon. These are questions you can reflect on by yourself, with your family, or with your small group.
Discussion Questions
Why do you think Christians are often drawn to self-made gurus who claim to have special insight and knowledge, especially when it comes to end-times prophecy? Why do you think Jesus warns us not to go after them?
When Jesus foretells of wars and tumults (a confused agitated time), how can He tell us not to be terrified? Shouldn’t we be fearful? Why or why not?
Although Jesus paints a bleak picture of the end times, He also tells His followers that “this will be your opportunity to bear witness”. Why does Jesus tell Christians not to meditate beforehand how to answer? What does this tell you about the supernatural power required for sharing the good news of the kingdom of God? Does this mean pastors, Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, don’t need to prepare?
In the endtimes, Christians will suffer, be hated, and even put to death. Yet Jesus says not a hair on our heads will perish and that by endurance we will gain our lives. Is this a contradiction? What do you think Jesus means here?
The wrath of God against sin and the judgment upon all who reject Jesus’ salvation are incredibly sobering thoughts. These are not topics we want to think about and yet why is it important that we always keep them in mind? How can contemplating God’s wrath and judgment actually lead us to hope and gratitude?

More in Luke
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Jesus' AscensionJuly 21, 2024
Ongoing Gospel MinistryJuly 14, 2024
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